12 Days of Pilates – FREE CHALLENGE!
Hi Beauties!
First, I have to say congratulations to the incredible group of women that are completing Pilates 4×4 this week. I am SO proud of you! You have done an incredible job and it has been so much fun working out with you each week. 🙂
Because I never want to leave you hanging without a Pilates plan in place, I’ve decided to do one last FREE challenge to help you finish strong in 2014.
We’ve all heard of the 12 Days of Christmas right?
Well I put a little Pilates spin on the tradition and would like to invite you to join me in 12 Days of Pilates!
12 Days of Pilates will be a fun way to finish out 2014.
The challenge includes 12 days of short, daily workouts to make sure you move your body EVERY day leading up to Christmas.
Instead of filming new workouts we’re going to be re-visiting my most popular online workouts from the past year. The workouts will be taken from 28 Days of Pilates, the Pilates Summer Series and #MindBodyMat.
Sounds fun doesn’t it?
Here’s how it will work:
Visit the blog each day from December 13th – December 24th.
Every morning I’ll post one of my most popular 5-10 minute workouts from YouTube.
You complete the workout from the comfort of your own home.
Then show me that you’ve completed the daily challenge by posting about it on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #12daysofpilates.
Pretty simple right?
This challenge will be fun and laid back. It’s just a chance to come together one last time before the year ends and care for our bodies in a fun way.
If you prefer to have the workouts sent straight to your inbox, sign up here:
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I’m excited to share some of my most popular workouts from this past year with you! Each workout will have a specific muscle focus and I’ll be sure to include some good stretching to help you manage the stress of the season as well.
So are you in?
If so, leave a comment to let me know. We’ll kick things off on Saturday morning!