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30-Day Pilates Body Challenge: Day #16 – upper body

30 day challenge thumb day 16

Hi Beauties!

Fair warning…today’s Pilates upper body workout is a challenging one! Please don’t let that frustrate you. It’s my job, as your instructor, to keep you challenged so that you continue to gain strength.

If you need a little refresher on how to safely and effectively use the upper body be sure to review my Pilates For Beginners video: strong shoulders.

Enjoy today’s workout and keep up the good work!


Reverse plank: bend your knees, use fists, point your hands out on a diagonal, OR even consider keeping your booty on the mat and really focusing on lifting that chest and holding that position.

Tendon stretch: prop your hands up on yoga blocks to create more room to move. Or consider doing tricep dips in place of tendon stretch if it’s just not working for you and your body. 🙂

Daily Check-In: Pay it forward! Blessing others will boost your mood and your health. Perform a random act of kindness today and tell me about it on Twitter or Instagram. Use the hashtag #30daypilatesbody so I can see your posts. 🙂



PS – You may also enjoy my body after baby and a confession about balance.

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