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4 Olympians Who Do Pilates


Hi Beauties!

Have you been watching the Olympics? I don’t know about you, but I am totally inspired by seeing people so dedicated to their craft. Their determination and dedication is truly admirable.

While Pilates isn’t an Olympic event (yet!), many Olympians include Pilates in their training programs. Not only does Pilates build muscle, it also improves balance, concentration, and endurance – making it a perfect form of cross-training.

Here are 4 Olympians who do Pilates on their way to Olympic gold….


4 Olympians Who Do Pilates

Keri Walsh Jennings, Beach Volleyball

Keri Walsh Jennings has never lost a match in the last three Olympic Games and is currently competing for gold in Women’s Beach Volleyball in Rio. Additionally, she is a mom to three young kids, which means she was pregnant, having babies, and training in between the games. Incredible!

According to an interview in Self Magazine, Keri Walsh Jennings does Pilates to strengthen her core, improve her balance and help her become a more efficient volleyball player.

Lolo Jones, Track & Field

As an Olympian and World Champion in Track & Field, Lolo Jones completes three workouts a day during her intense seasons of training, according to an article in Women’s Health. In addition to her track workout, she also swims and does Pilates or yoga. When asked about her favorite Pilates workouts, she said that while she enjoys DVDs and in-person classes, YouTube videos are the most convenient. We couldn’t agree more! While she isn’t competing in Rio, she says she hasn’t retired yet and we may see her in Tokyo in 2020.

David Boudia, Diving

With already one silver medal under his belt in these games, Olympian Diver, David Boudia is also no stranger to Pilates. InStyle reported earlier this summer that he uses Pilates to achieve that instrumental tight core and to improve his flexibility.

Dana Vollmer, Swimming

Although Dana has already wrapped up her 2016 Olympics with two medals, Dana Vollmer is an outspoken practitioner of Pilates. In an interview with ESPN, they asked her about how she got into shape after having a baby just 15-months before the Olympics. Instead of being completely overwhelmed by the amount of training she need to do, she said she set small and realistic goals like doing Pilates a few times each week to work on her flexibility and keep things fun.

(Side note: I love that her tag line is “momma on a mission.” What a rockstar.)

So while you may not be training for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, doing Pilates may be just the thing you need to help you succeed in other areas of your life. 🙂



PS – Inspired by these 4 Olympians who do Pilates? Sign up for my FREE 30-Day Pilates Body Challenge! 30 days. 10 minutes per day. You’ll love the way you feel. Click here to take the challenge.

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