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7 Signs It’s Time To Nurture Your Brain


Your brain might be your most important organ, but you probably don’t spend much time nurturing it. For example, did you know that emotional and physical stress can shrink your brain? Or that mental exercise can make it bigger? Here are eight signs that it’s time to give your brain some love and eight ways to do it. These will help keep your mind sharp, no matter how old you are or what kind of stresses you face every day!

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1. The brain is the center of our existence

Thanks to the brain, we have the ability to think, learn and adapt. Without it, none of our other organs would be able to function properly or even exist at all. Our brains are constantly interacting with our bodies and our surroundings; they’re always being used, whether we’re aware of it or not. This constant communication is what keeps us sharp and functioning—but it also means our brains are highly susceptible to outside influences, which makes it all the more important that we keep them as healthy as possible. There are many things you can do on a daily basis to make sure your brain stays in tip-top shape throughout your life. Here are eight warning signs you might need to nurture your brain, plus what you can do about each one.

2. The brain helps us navigate the world

The brain helps us navigate the world, but like any other part of the body, it needs a little care. Make sure you’re giving your brain the tools it needs to do its job by following these eight ways to care for your brain:

  1. Write things down

  2. Get organized

  3. Be grateful

  4. Practice math

  5. Remember facts about current events

  6. Challenge yourself with puzzles and games

  7. Take a hike (or bike ride)

A lot of times we don’t realize how much our brains help us in everyday life until they start falling on us. This is when we realize that taking good care of our brains is extremely important because they are what keeps everything together.

3. Our brains can hold onto and recall memories

Specific cells called place cells in our brains help us remember where we are. A part of our brain known as our hippocampus records new experiences and constantly adjusts place cells so we can remember places more easily. The more times you visit a location, such as your office or home, place cells become stronger at recalling that location. That’s why it’s important to create new memories every day by traveling, trying new things, and meeting new people!

4. Brains enjoy being challenged and stimulated

Brains enjoy being challenged and stimulated. Challenge and stimulation, especially when done regularly, keep our brain cells alive and healthy, helping prevent mental decline. If you don’t challenge your brain on a regular basis, your memory may begin to fade and you may start to lose some of your critical thinking skills. Challenging yourself with new activities will not only build skills for today but also boost your brain power for tomorrow. Here are some ways to keep challenging your brain every day!

  1. Learn something new

  2. Try something that makes you uncomfortable

  3. Stay physically active

  4. Do puzzles

  5. Go on an adventure

  6. Learn how to cook

  7. Explore an unfamiliar place

  8. Have fun

  9. Share your own ideas! Tell us what helps you nurture your brain in the comments below!

How to Get Motivated to Exercise When You’re Feeling Lazy

5. Brains can help us learn new things every day

From science to history, art to mathematics, and everything in between, there are endless opportunities for our brains to grow. According to neuroscientist Gregory Berns, author of Iconoclast: A Neuroscientist Reveals How to Think Differently, we all have an invisible creativity muscle that can improve with practice. Here are just a few tips for developing it. 1. Read something new every day. 2. Read something old every day. 3. Write something new every day (blog post, email, poem). 4. Go to a museum or gallery. 5. Take a class on something you’ve always wanted to learn about but never had time for. 6. Learn how to play an instrument 7. Learn how to draw or paint 8. Pick up chess or another strategy game 9. Take up yoga 10. Listen carefully when someone is speaking 11…. 11. Spend more time outside The human brain is a work in progress—and like any other muscle, its health and strength rely on consistent exercise. Whether you’re trying to get smarter at work or simply enjoy keeping your mind sharp, here are eight ways to nurture your brain. 1. Connect with people: Being social isn’t just good for our emotional well-being; it also has physical benefits for our brains.

6. Keeping our brains active can prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Keep your brain active by learning new skills, practicing old ones, and challenging yourself to perform tasks that are just beyond your comfort zone. Studies have shown that activities like these can help ward off cognitive diseases in midlife and keep you sharp as you age. Just make sure you’re doing more than taking a few walks around the block each day — getting out of your element is one of the best ways to keep your brain from becoming stagnant. Whether it’s signing up for dance lessons or trying something totally different, get out there and challenge yourself!

7. The brain is susceptible to less than favorable lifestyle choices (i.e. Smoking, Drinking, etc.)

Yes, even one-off activities can impact your brain. A 2012 study found that smokers and alcoholics, who engaged in binge drinking only once a week, were two to three times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s Disease than non-smokers and non-alcoholics. A 2008 study published in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research also found that even one instance of binge drinking over six months could lead to shrinkage of hippocampus volume. And these are just a few examples—the relationship between less than favorable lifestyle choices and poor brain health is undeniable. With so much at stake, it’s important to take care of our brains for now and for later.


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