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8 Exercises That Burn The Most Calories


Whether you’re looking to lose weight or just burn some extra calories, the key to getting in shape is exercising more frequently. Many people avoid working out because they think it’s going to be boring and tedious, but here are eight exercises that will help you lose weight while still feeling like you’re having fun! Each exercise burns between 200 and 400 calories, so if you do them all together, you can seriously boost your calorie-burning potential while getting fit! With these exercises, you’ll be hitting every muscle group in your body and burning tons of calories at the same time!

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1. Plank

Hold a standard plank for at least 30 seconds to build up strength in your upper body and core. Although your abs will be burning, you should feel your shoulders shaking more than anything else. This is one of those exercises that require slow and steady progressions. Don’t try to add time or difficulty too quickly; instead, focus on stability and form. Make sure not to bend from your elbows or let your lower back sag; push through with your toes, squeeze everything tight, hold it—and you’ll be one step closer to achieving fitness goals!

2. Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers may be one of those secret-weapon exercises. This exercise works your lower body, core, and upper body muscles in one move—not to mention it’s effective at boosting endurance. To do mountain climbing, begin in a pushup position with your hands on a yoga mat or towel and your feet hip-width apart on another mat or towel. Step one foot up toward your hands while keeping the other leg extended behind you and both arms straight. Then step back down to starting position. Do 10 reps for three sets on each side.

3. Burpees

The next exercise on our list is burpees, which are an effective way to torch calories. According to research published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, one minute of burpees can burn as many as 110 calories. Start by standing with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Squat down and place your hands on the floor directly underneath your shoulders (like a push-up position). Kick your feet back so they’re flat on the floor; then lift them up again and jump as high as you can. This will count as one rep. Do five sets of 10 reps at a pace that’s challenging but not too hard.

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4. Squats

Squats are incredibly effective at burning calories. The exercise is so calorie-intensive because your legs do all of the work, and you use your own body weight for resistance. A study conducted by scientists at Laval University found that people who did five, 30-second sets of squats burned as many calories as those who pedaled a stationary bike for an hour. Squats are also easy to incorporate into a variety of routines—you can do them during commercial breaks or while brushing your teeth!

5. Pushups

Pushups are one of the best all-around upper body strengthening and calorie-burning moves you can do. They’re effective for targeting your chest, arms, shoulders, back and even your legs (if you’re doing a full pushup). And if you do them right—from your toes instead of on your knees—you can work your core as well. Although pushups are also great for strength training, be careful not to go too heavy; remember that you still want to build endurance with these. Go for 10–15 reps per set when using lighter weights.

6. Tuck Jumps

You might be surprised to learn just how many jumping jacks you can do in a minute. According to research conducted by Metabolic Technologies, tuck jumps have an energy expenditure of 100-130 calories/minute and up (an up being any repetition above five). An all-out 30-second burst will help you torch a whopping 372 calories! Try it: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and both hands resting at your sides. Jump up as high as possible, bringing your knees to your chest. Straighten back out again on landing and repeat. Repeat for one minute and then rest for one minute before beginning again. Continue repeating until you hit 60 minutes total for maximum calorie burn!

7. Jump Rope

Jump rope is a great form of exercise because it’s one of the few workouts that burn as many calories as running. In fact, jumping rope will actually consume more energy than jogging at 6 mph. The American Council on Exercise reports that jumping rope burns up to 8.7 calories per minute, which puts you in better shape than just about any other workout out there. If you can go for 15 minutes nonstop with a 2-minute rest break, you’ll be burning 116 calories—and when was your last run?

To get started, try jumping over a speed rope set at 3 to 4 inches off of the ground while holding onto both handles. Your goal should be to jump continuously and keep a good posture throughout your workout. It may take some practice before you feel comfortable trying advanced moves like hopping on one foot or switching directions mid-air, but if you stick with it, these moves are bound to become easier and soon enough you’ll have an impressive arsenal of skills under your belt! To really challenge yourself (and continue building endurance), consider incorporating resistance bands into your routine by using them as handles during jumps.

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8. Running Up Stairs

Running upstairs is fantastic exercise. Not only will it help you get a lean and defined upper body, but it’s also an excellent calorie burner. It’s important to remember to keep your form in check when doing so; there’s no use risking injury when you could be burning even more calories. Running on stairs builds muscles in your legs and glutes, which will slim down your legs if used consistently. To maximize results, make sure to run at full speed—but don’t forget to hold onto railings for safety! For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, each flight of stairs climbed should burn around 145 calories after about 20 minutes of running.


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