Asking for help…
Hi Beauties!
Just popping in to let you know that once again, I didn’t have time to create a new post today.
This week has been a crazy one.
Instead of writing blog posts I’ve been kicking off The PBP, getting to know a new, inspiring group of women, creating new workshops for Athleta, entertaining out-of-town guests, doing laundry, cooking food, bathing a baby, changing a baby, nursing a baby, going to the pool, searching for tupperware, cleaning the house and trying to keep up with work in between.
It’s safe to say I have too much on my plate. So instead of writing a blog post today I’m asking for help.
Today I’m hiring a house cleaner and scheduling more babysitters.
Once I get my life back in balance I’ll be back with more blog posts. Most likely, I’ll see you back here on Monday. 🙂
Thanks for understanding and walking alongside me as we all try to figure this balance thing out…
I’m curious, when you’re plate is feeling full, where do you go to ask for help?
PS – If you’re looking for something to read, here are few old posts you may enjoy: 5 Fitness Must-Haves For New Moms, Healthy Pregnancy Essentials, and My Personal To-Do List Strategy.