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Is Your Favorite Beverage Killing You Slowly?


Beverages are one of the most popular ways to consume liquids. They come in all shapes and sizes, from water to soda to iced tea to cocktails, and we love them for their refreshing taste and ease of access. Unfortunately, there are lots of unhealthy drinks that are so common that we don’t even realize how detrimental they are to our health. If you’re drinking the wrong kinds of beverages regularly, or if you’re consuming too much of them, you could be at risk for serious health problems down the road!

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Bottled Water vs. Tap Water

Bottled water isn’t always a healthier choice. In fact, many bottled waters contain more contaminants than tap water and are packaged in plastic that can leach chemicals into your drink. A 20-ounce bottle of bottled water can have as much as two teaspoons of sugar added to it, too. It’s easy to see why; those sweeteners help boost sales by making bottled water taste better. If you like drinking bottled water, try to buy it in glass bottles or use a reusable bottle with a filter on your tap instead.

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Bottled Water Brands

As an alternative to soda, more and more people are reaching for bottled water. But while they may be better off in terms of calories and sugar, they’re not necessarily better off in terms of safety. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) recently released a report revealing that many popular bottled water brands contain contaminants such as nitrate or fecal bacteria, both of which are linked to gastrointestinal illnesses. Other reports have revealed that many bottled water companies aren’t even required to disclose their treatment process or any contaminants found in their water. So when it comes to health and wellness: If you’re concerned about your health, stick with fresh cold water from your tap—you won’t need filters or extra add-ons like carbon footprints.

Drink Coffee, But Not Too Much

A study conducted at Vanderbilt University showed that women who drink three to five cups of coffee per day had a 20% lower risk of early death, compared with those who don’t drink coffee. (1) The average adult should limit themselves to about two cups of coffee a day, which means you can enjoy a few additional cups without worrying about your long-term health. Just keep an eye on how much cream and sugar you add; otherwise, you could consume hundreds of extra calories without even realizing it. Coffee is also believed to reduce our chances of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 50%. Drinking six or more cups per day decreases our risk by 35%. (2) There are many ways to make coffee healthier, but one surefire way is to avoid adding sweeteners like sugar and honey. If you must sweeten your cup of joe, try using stevia instead. It’s a natural sweetener derived from plants that have no calories and don’t affect blood glucose levels. This makes it safe for diabetics as well as anyone looking to lose weight. And if you’re not into hot drinks, green tea may be right for you! Green tea has been shown to improve heart health in multiple ways while also helping us maintain a healthy weight.

Bottled Juice Might be Expensive but It’s Worth the Investment

With so many different types of fruit juices on offer, it’s tempting to load up your cart with whatever looks appealing. However, if you have a medical condition like diabetes or high blood pressure, you might want to think twice before chugging down that bottle of juice. Some bottled juices—even those that claim to be 100% juice—can be packed with added sugar and preservatives. That’s why it’s best to stick with 100% pure fruit juices in small quantities for a healthy snack or beverage.

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Healthiest Drinks on The Go Are Not Bottled Drinks

Bottled drinks are convenient and readily available, but they’re often loaded with sugar and other additives. So while vitamin water might be a good choice at home, choosing it when you’re out and about could easily negate its health benefits. That doesn’t mean you have to give up your favorite beverage altogether; just check nutrition labels first. Many bottled smoothies, for example, contain more calories than an order of fries!


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