It’s almost baby time!
Hi Beauties,
Well, it’s about that time!
My due date is right around the corner so I’m prepping to take a little bit of time off to figure how in the world to manage two kids. 🙂
Though I’ll be cutting back on my work schedule for a few months the blog will stay alive! I have posts lined up and ready to go every Monday & Wednesday and also a great line-up of guest-bloggers to bring in some fresh info and inspiration.
You can still find me on Instagram (@thebalancedlife) and I’ll pop in to let you know how things are going. I even plan to share updates on the postpartum body – REAL updates – like the juicy, not-so-pretty stuff that nobody really talks about. Fun, fun!
But before I leave you…do you have any tips for bringing home baby #2 or managing a newborn and a toddler? If so, I’m all ears!
PS – you may also enjoy thoughts on the first trimester & thoughts on the second trimester.