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Less Pinning, More Doing


I spent the majority of the weekend with my nose in Shauna Niequist’s new book, Bread & Wine. I was lucky enough to get an advance copy and have loved every page thus far (especially when she mentions her experience with The PBP!). One thing caught my attention in particular last night and I just had to share my thoughts with you.

Bread & Wine is a book about cooking, community and all the wonderful things that can happen when you live life around the table.

At one point she discusses how our information-overloaded society is being fooled into the fact that if we read about something, watch something, tweet about something, talk about something, etc. we somehow lead ourselves into the belief that we’ve actually done that thing. That it is a part of our life.

pinterest recipes

In this particular instance, she’s talking about cooking. With Food Network, cooking blogs, and cookbooks, we tend to read about things util we’re blue in the face but very few of us spend much time actually incorporating the act of cooking into our life, missing out on the true life that it brings.  The act of getting our hands dirty, experimenting, creating and tasting the final product.

I couldn’t help but make the comparison to exercise, meal planning and overall healthy living.

With all of the healthy living blogs, fitness gurus on Twitter, Facebook workout tips, and most notably, Pinterest tips, it begs the question….

Are you spending more time pinning workouts than you actually are DOING them?

Are you spending more time pinning healthy recipes and than spending than actually preparing them?

Do you read about what celebrities do to stay fit and lose weight instead of getting off the couch and putting what you read about into action?

With today’s culture of unlimited information, we continually gather ideas but rarely get up from our computer to incoporate them into our lives.

And I think we’re missing out on a lot of life because of this.

If you’re wondering why you’re not losing weight or getting stronger or feeling better I’m willing to bet it’s because you’re not spending enough time in REAL LIFE focusing on those things.

You’re not DOING the things you need to do in order to feel the way you want to feel. Thinking about them, sure. Pinning them, absolutely. But not DOING.

pinterest workouts

So what can you do to change this pattern?

Here are some ideas:

  1. Pick 3 healthy recipes off of your Pinterest board (that you already pinned) and commit to making them for dinner this week.

  2. Instead of spending 45 minutes reading your favorite fitness blogs this weekend, go for a hike/walk/run.

  3. Next time you read about a workout in a magazine tear it out, post it on your fridge and commit to doing it before the week is over. Don’t read another magazine until it’s done.

  4. Instead of sitting at your computer or on your couch perusing twitter for inspiration take 5 minutes and complete one of my free workouts from my YouTube Channel.

youtube pilates

Summer is just around the corner and in order to feel good when swimsuit season rolls around I encourage you to spend less time pinning, less time reading, less time researching and more time DOING. It’s the only way real changes are made.

Cheers to getting started!



PS: remember that The Pilates Body Program kicks off in June! If you’re unsure where to get started and how to start making those changes in your lifestyle, this program is for you. CLICK HERE to read more.

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