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Pilates For Anxiety and Stress Relief


If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, or have interacted with me on a personal level, you probably know that I’ve dealt with seasons of stress and anxiety.

In fact, it was anxiety that led me to fall in love Pilates again after a long hiatus.

Those of you who have dealt with anxiety know that it’s a frustrating companion. One that doesn’t respond to reason and doesn’t make sense to others. It’s a place of fear and loneliness that only those who have dealt with it can truly understand.

I can honestly say Pilates played a huge role in my ability to overcome my anxiety. I’m beyond grateful to say that I really don’t struggle with it anymore.

Through Pilates I have found freedom.

But I know anxiety well enough to know that it’s waiting just around the corner should life’s circumstances throw me off kilter. So it’s import that I do the things I need to do to keep my stress levels low.

Which explains why I am so big on self-care and doing the things I need to do to feel the way I want to feel.

purple smoothie

For me this entails 8 hours of sleep, avoiding caffeine, eating balanced meals, snacking regularly, practicing Pilates, breathing deeply, praying and exercising on a regular basis.

For those of you who don’t struggle with true anxiety, I’m willing to bet you still encounter stressful situations or seasons that cause worry and angst.

Stress manifests in the body.

It manifests in headaches, stomach aches, digestive issues, back pain, muscle tension, dizziness, even rashes and skin disorders. Stress compromises our immune system, disrupts sleep, and creates tension in relationships. Stress leads to weight gain.

Perhaps one of the best things we can do for our health is manage our stress levels and care for our anxiety. 

Pilates can be incredibly powerful in providing a place for the body to relax, rejuvenate and release tension. It also provides a space for the mind to focus on the present moment, leaving worries at the door. The Pilates principle, breath, oxygenates the blood which triggers the brain to calm down. The breath creates a physiological response in the body that naturally decreases our stress and anxiety.

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So in light of that, I filmed this short Pilates For Anxiety and Stress Relief routine that you can use on a daily basis to calm your mind and relax your body.

I filmed it at home and kept it simple so that it would be manageable for you to do regularly, from the comfort of your own home.

Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Cheers to calm, stress-free weekend.



PS – you may also like this stretch & relax video from my 28 Days of Pilates challenge.

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