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Thoughts on the first trimester…


Now that I’m out of the first trimester I’m able to look back, reflect and say…thank goodness that part has passed.

This first trimester was rough for a number of reasons.

To sum it up, I felt sick, tired and hungry.

First, I had terrible, terrible nausea and couldn’t stand the thought of healthy food (this happened during my first pregnancy as well). But what made it worse was that I have been eating extremely well since having my daughter and have actually eliminated certain food groups (you can read about Dairy/Soy Protein Intolerance here) and haven’t been able to add dairy and bread back in without digestive discomfort.

And guess what my strongest craving was during the 1st trimester? Bread, cheese, pizza, mac & cheese, quesadillas, grilled cheese – ALL THINGS CHEESE & BREAD. I tried to avoid it but it was the only thing that made my nausea go away. In turn, the foods started messing with my digestion and I was left feeling really bad at the end of every day. It was an unfortunate cycle.

In the midst of it, I tried to remind myself that it is temporary and a short amount of time in the grand scheme of life but it was hard day-to-day.

One day I got sick with terrible flu-like symptoms and then knew that no matter how strong my cravings were, I had to choose foods that wouldn’t cause my body to revolt. I had to stick with what I knew I could digest well. Thankfully at this point, my nausea was starting to lighten up and I was able to manage it a bit better.

Second, I didn’t realize how hard it would be to start gaining weight again after having just finished losing the baby weight and weaning my daughter. I felt like I had just made it through the postpartum season and was feeling great – then all of a sudden, here we go again…

The first time around I was ready for the weight gain; not too worried about it.

This time I have been surprised by a) how quickly I filled out in all the old places I held weight (booty & thighs) and b) how attached I had gotten to the idea of having lost all the weight. I had been feeling great and now my clothes are tight again.

I know that weight gain a good thing and it’s part of the process, but I was reminded of how intentional I need to be about keeping the right perspective and mindset as I go through this whole process again.

Now that I’m entering the second trimester and able to eat like myself again I’m feeling better about things.

Don’t be fooled, I’m still starving all the time and eating more than usual. I also still have waves of nausea that just about knock me out. But all in all, things are looking up.

My energy is slowly increasing so I am able to exercise more and make it through the day without a nap which is nice. 🙂

Here’s hoping the next few months continue to improve. On that note, I’m off to enjoy a prenatal massage!

Have you been pregnant before? What was your first trimester like?



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