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考虑到我们需要每 3 到 4 个月更换一次牙刷,这相当于每人丢弃的大量牙刷。数十亿人扔掉用过的塑料牙刷,增加了一百万吨塑料垃圾。

我们的竹牙刷设计为具有环保的主体和刷毛。竹子和塑料一样坚韧,但它的可持续性要好得多。它不仅可以吸收 CO2,而且还是 O2 的强大来源,事实上,它可以产生比典型树木多 35% 的 O2。另外,它可以在几个月后生物降解。

使用我们的竹牙刷,您可以保持健康的牙齿和牙龈 - 但不会以垃圾填埋场和海洋为代价。


  • 牙刷的无塑料替代品
  • 让塑料远离你的嘴
  • 由一块竹子雕刻而成 - 不是复合材料
  • 来自台湾的可持续采购竹子


Want disposable but guilt-free? Bamboo toothbrush!

Given the fact that we need to replace our toothbrushes every 3 to 4 months, that's a whole lot of discarded toothbrushes per person. Billions of people throw away used plastic toothbrushes, adding up to a million metric tons of plastic waste.

Our bamboo toothbrush is designed to have a biodegradable body and bristles. Bamboo is as tough as plastic, but it's so much better for sustainability. Not only can it absorb CO2, but it's also a robust source of O2, in fact, it can produce 35% more O2 than a typical tree. Plus, it can biodegrade after a few months.

With our bamboo toothbrush, you maintain healthy teeth and gums - but not at the expense of landfills and oceans.


  • Plastic-free replacement for your toothbrush
  • Keep plastic out of your mouth
  • Carved from once piece of bamboo - not a composite
  • Sustainably sourced bamboo from Taiwan

竹牙刷 - 白蒙古马毛 Bamboo Toothbrush - White Mongolian Horse Hair

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