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这款个性十足的再生子弹串项链是前卫与精致的完美结合。它具有 3 个高度抛光的子弹壳,并支持柬埔寨工匠。

  • 材质:再生黄铜弹壳+子弹碎片
  • 尺寸:L 11"
  • 在柬埔寨用爱手工制作
  • 与所有手工制品一样,每件作品都存在细微的差异,使每件作品都成为一件艺术品,真正独一无二。



生活在距离柬埔寨金边约 45 分钟车程的干丹省贫困社区的铁工工匠制作了这种回收的炸弹壳和子弹首饰。炸弹外壳是三年前柬埔寨战时遗留下来的。铁艺工匠巧妙地将炸弹壳塑造成美丽的珠宝首饰,为贫困社区带来了微薄的收入。虽然自战争和残酷的红色高棉政权的暴行以来,柬埔寨一直享有多年的和平与发展,但今天仍有 30% 的人口生活在贫困线以下(每天不到 1.25 美元)。


This statement recycled bullet cluster necklace is the perfect mix of edgy and delicate. It features 3 highly polished bullet casing and supports Cambodian artisans.

  • Material: Recycled brass bomb shell + Bullet fragments
  • Measurements: L 11"
  • Handmade with love in Cambodia
  • As with all handcrafted goods, there are slight variations making each piece a work of art and truly one of a kind.


Artisan Profile
Ironwork artisans, living in an underprivileged community in the Kandal Province, approximately 45 minutes from Phnom Penh, Cambodia, make this recycled bomb shell and bullet jewelry. Bomb casings are left over from Cambodia's wartime three decades ago. Ironwork artisans skillfully mold bomb shells into beautiful jewelry pieces, introducing a small income to underprivileged communities. While Cambodia has enjoyed years of peace and development since the war and atrocities of the brutal Khmer Rouge regime, today 30% of the population still live below the poverty line (on less than $1.25 per day).
By purchasing these bombshell products, you are helping to create fair trade jobs for disadvantaged Cambodians with high levels of unemployment. Artisans are paid fairly and equitably for their skillful work, which keeps families together with food on their table. A liveable and reliable income is especially important for women as it allows them to raise healthy babies and children and provide for their future. The designs use inspiration from Cambodia 's rich tapestry, restoring and preserving many traditional Cambodian skills.

弹头串项链 Bullet Cluster Necklace

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