Extra Extra - 父亲节新闻宣布年度爸爸。让您的爸爸知道您很欣赏他这款出色的年度爸爸咖啡杯,上面印有他的名字和日期。每个重型白“慈杯”可容纳 15oz他最喜欢的饮料。
- 使用名字和姓氏进行个性化设置,每个最多 15 个字符
- 父亲节的当前日期是标准的
- 可容纳 15oz
Extra Extra - Father's Day Press announces Dad of the year. Let your Dad know you appreciate him with this terrific Dad of the Year coffee mug, personalized with his name and the date. Each heavy-duty white ceramic mug holds 15 ounces of his favorite beverage.
Item Specifications:
- Personalize with first and last name, up to 15 characters each
- Current date for Father's Day is standard
- Holds 15 oz
父亲节标题杯 Father's Day Headline Mug