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在您的家中展示实用艺术。这款现代简约的时钟提供了一种美观干净的方式,将时间带入您的家中。这款现代几何挂钟采用 3 层美国硬木制成,前卫优雅。这款时钟的设计类似于大型石英晶体,可舒适地放在桌子或壁炉架上,或牢固地挂在墙上。

每个时钟是 用几层天然油和蜡手工完成,以获得温暖和安全的开光。由于木材的独特性和我们的制造工艺,每个时钟都会有单独的木纹图案和独特的几何形状。

自豪地建于俄勒冈州波特兰市 通过铁根设计




Display functional art in your home. This Modern and Minimalist clock offers an aesthetically clean way to bring time into your home. Built with 3 layers of American hardwood, this modern geometric wall clock is both edgy and elegant. Designed to resemble a large quartz crystal, this clock sits comfortably on a table or mantel, or hangs securely from the wall.

Each clock is hand-finished with several coats of natural oils and wax for a warm and safe luster. Due to the unique nature of wood and our building process, each clock will have individual wood grain patterns and unique geometric shapes.

Proudly built in Portland, Oregon by The Iron Roots Designs

Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 9 in.
Height: 10 in.
Depth: 3 in.

几何挂钟和台钟 Geometric Wall & Table Clock

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