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产品尺寸:100 x 71 x 22英寸项目重量:18.76磅





 请勿将充气泳池放置在泥土、沙子或其他硬面上。 建议在下面放置一块防水布,以保护儿童泳池不被尖锐物体刺穿。








Product Dimensions100 x 71 x 22 inchesItem Weight18.76 poundsManufacturerFUNAVO



  • Do not place inflatable pool on mud, sand, or any other hard surfaces. It is recommended to place a tarp under to protect the kiddie pool from puncturing by sharp objects.
  • You should inflate the 3 individual air chambers from bottom to top.
  • Please inflate to 90% through the bigger valve and close the bigger valve, then inflate through the smaller one to 100%.
  • Please fill the inflatable pool with water to the second ring (around 70%) to avoid water overflow.
  • You can deflate all 3 chambers to drain the pool quickly, or, to prevent water from flooding, open the inside drain valve to slowly discharge the water to your desired place.
  • Dry the kid pool completely before you fold and stock it in a cool and dry place.


Package Includes:

FUNAVO 充气游泳池,100& X 71& X 22&全尺寸家庭充气游泳池 Inflatable Swimming Pool, FUNAVO 100& X 71& X 22& Full - Sized Family Inflatable

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