IOMA , 是法国INTUISKIN旗下的个性化定制护肤品牌 。秉承“为我而生”的定制护肤理念, 跨界“科技”与“美容”, 品牌以理科男法则解读美学公式, IOMA入驻29个国家和地区。
具有奶油质地, 使用愉快
浓缩了 18 种不同的活性成分和 13.8% 的活性成分
含有NEUTRAZEN, 一种能降低皮肤敏感度的高效肽
注入维生素E, 保护皮肤免受自由基侵害, 防止皮肤老化
经皮肤病学测试, 不含硅和矿物质
A high - potency anti - aging night cream
Features a creamy texture for a pleasant application
Concentrated with 18 different active principles & 13.8% of active principles in total
Contains NEUTRAZEN, a highly effective peptide that reduces the sensitivity of skin
Infused with Vitamin E to protect skin from free radicals & prevent skin aging
Keeps skin firmer, softer, smoother, dewier & younger - looking
Dermatologically tested, silicone - free & mineral - free
法国艾欧码 - 水油恒肤乳 - 晚装 IOMA - MA Creme - Night
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