用这款奢华的纯素沐浴乳犒劳自己。这种重新聚焦混合物含有柔肤椰奶、接地广藿香油、提神橙油和保湿麻宝素籽油。每个包裹包含大约 2 - 3 个浴缸。 由于我们天然产品的手工制作性质, 颜色可能因批次而异。
成分: 椰奶、海盐、碳酸氢钠、棉花糖根粉、麻宝素籽油、广藿香精油和血橙。
Treat yourself with this luxurious vegan bath milk. This refocus blend contains skin - softening coconut milk, grounding patchouli oil, uplifting orange oil, and moisturizing hemp seed oil. Each package contains approximately 2 - 3 baths. Due to the handmade nature of our natural products, colors may vary from batch to batch.
Ingredients: coconut milk, sea salt, sodium bicarbonate, marshmallow root powder, hemp seed oil, essential oils of patchouli and blood orange.
牛奶浴 - 重新聚焦(广藿香、橙子和麻宝素籽油)