我们的红色超级食品旨在滋养人体并滋养 正确的营养素和补充剂也是如此,以充分发挥其潜力。
- 检查效力和质量以及 第三方测试 红色超级食品
- 在美国制造
- 没有人工加工和严格的非转基因成分
- 清洁、有机和自然的条件被用来创造这个产品。
- 我们的红色超级食品将帮助您达到巅峰表现的特色
Hard Rock Health 提供的红色超级食品的好处
1. 医生推荐
有机羽衣甘蓝、西兰花、菠菜、甜菜、欧芹、番茄、辣木、小麦草汁粉、螺旋藻、小球藻、接骨木果提取物等 - 均由有机植物化学物质和叶绿素组成,最终提供抗氧化特性 Hard Rock Health 提供的 Red SUperfood 补充剂,可中和体内的危险自由基。
2. 不含人造糖或防腐剂
3. 获得更高的性能
4. 最佳品尝红色超级食品
我们的有机 RED Superfood 带有奇异果草莓味,可提供最佳口味,含有超过 25 种清洁、碱化、农场新鲜、营养丰富的健康水果和蔬菜。它有助于消除毒素和帮助消化,以及改善您的免疫系统和增加您的活力。
在大约 6oz您最喜欢的非柠檬汁、水、冰沙甚至蛋白质奶昔中混合一勺。还, 咨询保健医生 如果您是孕妇或哺乳期妇女,或者您有任何其他疾病,请在食用我们的红色超级食品之前。
By supplementing with our fantastic red superfood blend that includes Kiwi and Strawberry, you can aid to maintain good energy, immune systems, and sexual health. Nourish and fuel your body with the appropriate combination of foods and supplements to help you achieve your full potential.
With our Red superfood, we aim to nurture the human body and nourish the same with the right nutrients and supplements to reach its full potential.
- Check for potency and quality along with 3rd party testing for Red Superfood
- Manufactured in the United States
- No artificial processing and strictly non-GMO components
- Clean, organic, and natural conditions were used to create this product.
- Our Red Superfood will help you achieve Peak Performance's specialties
Benefits of Red Superfood By Hard Rock Health
1. Recommended by Doctors
Organic Kale, Broccoli, Spinach, Beet, Parsley, Tomato, Moringa, Wheat Grass Juice Powder, Spirulina, Chlorella, Elderberry Extract, and more - all are composed of organic phytochemicals and chlorophyll than eventually provides antioxidant properties to Red SUperfood supplement by Hard Rock Health and neutralizes dangerous radicals from the body.
2. No artificial sugars or preservatives
Artificial sweeteners, additional sugars, processed flours, hydrogenated oils, insecticides, fertilizers, chemicals, or antibiotics are never used for creating Red Superfood. We always utilize the finest organic, sprouted, vegan, and really good ingredients.
3. Get higher performance
Our Red superfood supplement is not only for individuals who work out. It is for everyone having heavy days such as busy professionals, moms, businessmen, and health-conscious people who are willing to get physically and mentally stronger every day.
4. Best tasting Red Superfood
Our organic RED Superfood comes with a Kiwi strawberry flavor that delivers the best taste, with over 25+ cleansing, alkalizing, farm-fresh nutrient-rich healthy fruits, and vegetables. It helps in the elimination of toxins and digestive assistance, as well as improving your immune system and increasing your vitality.
Directions to Consume our Red Superfood
Mix one scoop in around 6 ounces of your favorite non-citric juice, water, smoothie, or even protein shake. Also, consult a healthcare practitioner before consuming our Red Superfood if you're a pregnant or lactating woman, or if you're having any other medical conditions.