Regina's Desire Swimwear 为您带来全新开发的口罩设计。鉴于一个泳装品牌,我们立即决定在那里制作奢华的意大利纺织品 LYCRA 面膜。
- 统一尺寸(13X20 厘米)
- 两层
- 可变颜色
- 可调带
- 用水晶装饰
- 可缝合和可粘贴的水晶
- 面料:奢华意大利LYCRA® BEAUTY
- 每个面具都是独一无二的
- 用冷水洗手
If you love glamour this is for you! We created Hungary's most exclusive face mask!
Regina's Desire Swimwear brought to you it's freshly developed msak design. Given a swimwear brand we instantly decided to make there mask of the luxurious italian textile LYCRA.
Well, we could not stop here. The next speciality about this product are it's adjustable bands wich help set the mask to anyone's face perfectly. Luxury even appears in the fabalous shimmering crystals decorating this fantastic fabric.
*Announcement: Mask made of LYCRA fabric are not medical products, do not use them for medical cause. This is purely for the purpose of a fashion item.
- Onesize (13X20 cm)
- Two layers
- Variable colors
- Adjustable bands
- Decorated with crystals
- Sewable and stickable cystals
- Fabric: Luxury Italian LYCRA® BEAUTY
- Every mask is little unique of its own
- Wash in cold water with hands