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Eight Tips for Healthy Legs and Feet


Eight Tips for Healthy Legs and Feet

  • 1) 甩腿

  • 日常生活中我们应经常锻炼我们的腿部和脚部。这样我们的腿脚才会更健康,身体才会更棒。

  • 1) Swing Leg

  • In daily life, we should often exercise our legs and feet. So that our legs and feet health is very good so that our body will be better.

  • 一手扶树或扶墙,先向前甩动小腿,使脚尖向上翘起,然后向后甩动,将脚尖用力向后,脚面绷直,腿亦伸直。

  • Help a tree or help a wall with one hand, jilt forward the first crus, make tiptoe becomes warped up, jilt backward next, force tiptoe backward, foot surface stretch straight, leg also unbend.

  • 两条腿轮换甩动,每次甩动以80—100下为宜。

  • Two legs rotation swing, each swing to 80-100 is appropriate.

  • 此法可防下肢肌肉萎缩、软弱无力,或麻木、下腿抽筋等症。

  • This law can prevent lower limb muscle atrophy, flabby, or numbness, next leg cramps wait for disease.

  • 2) 干洗腿

  • 2) Dry Cleaning Legs

  • 我们日常生活中可以经常做干洗腿的运动,能够非常有效的促进我们腿部的血液循环,对我们的健康非常有帮助。

  • We can often do dry cleaning leg exercise in daily life, can very effectively promote the blood circulation of our legs, is very helpful to our health.

  • 用双手紧抱一侧大腿根,稍用力从大腿根向下按摩直至足踝,再从足踝往回按摩至大腿根;

  • Hold one side of the thigh root tightly with both hands, massage down from the thigh root to the ankle, and then massage back to the thigh root from the ankle;

  • 用同样的方法再按摩另一条腿。

  • Massage the other leg in the same way.

  • 重复10-20遍,可使关节灵活,步行能力增强。

  • Repeat 10-20 times, which can make the joint flexible, walking ability enhancement.

  • 每天坚持做此项运动,还可预防下肢静脉曲张、下肢书肿及肌肉萎缩等。

  • Insist on doing this exercise every day, but also prevent lower limb varicose veins, lower limb swelling, and muscle atrophy.

  • 3) 揉腿肚

  • 3) Kneading The Leg Belly

  • 以双手紧挟小腿肚子,旋转揉动,每侧揉动20—30次,两腿交换6次。

  • Hold the calf belly With both hands tightly, rotating kneading, each side of the kneading 20-30 times, the two legs exchange 6 times.

  • 此法能疏通血脉,加强腿部力量,防止腿脚乏力和酸痛。

  • This method can dredge blood, strengthen leg strength, prevent weak and sore legs.

  • 4) 扳脚

  • 4) Pulling Feet

  • 扳脚运动对于我们的脚部健康非常有帮助,我们日常生活中可以经常做这一项运动,能够使我们的脚部更加健康。

  • Pulling feet movement is very helpful for our foot health, we can often do this exercise in daily life, can make our feet more healthy.

  • 端坐,两腿伸直,低头,身体向前弯,以两手扳双脚的脚趾20-30次。

  • Sit up, legs straight, head down, bend forward, with two hands on the toes of both feet 20-30 times.

  • 此法能练腰腿、增脚力,防止推部乏力。

  • This method can practice waist and leg, increase foot strength, to prevent the push part of fatigue.

  • 5) 蹬脚

  • 5) Pedal Feet

  • 晚上入睡前,可平躺在床上,双手紧抱住后脑勺,一条腿弯曲成90度,另一条腿由缓到急向空中进行蹬脚运动,每次3分种,然后再换另一条腿,反复8次即可。

  • Before falling asleep at night, can lie flat on the bed, hands tightly hold the back of the head, one leg bent into 90 degrees, the other leg from slow to urgent to the air pedal movement, 3 minutes each time, and then change the other leg, repeated 8 times.

  • 这样,可使腿部血液流畅,有助于尽快入睡。

  • Such, can make leg blood fluent, conduce to fall asleep as soon as possible.

  • 6) 扭膝

  • 6) Twist Knees

  • 两脚平行靠拢,屈膝微向下蹲,双手放在膝盖上,顺时针扭动树十次,然后再逆时针扭动。

  • Feet parallel, bend knees slightly squat, hands on knees, clockwise twist the tree ten times, and then counterclockwise twist.

  • 此法能疏通血脉,治下乏力、膝关节疼痛。

  • This method can dredge blood, fatigue, knee joint pain.

  • 7) 搓脚

  • 7) Rub Feet

  • 将两手掌搓热,然后用两手掌搓两脚心各100次。

  • Rub the palms hot, and then rub the palms of the feet 100 times each.

  • 此法具有滋肾、降虚火、舒肝明目等作用,还可防止脚部酸痛、麻木、水肿等症。

  • This method has the function of nourishing the kidney, reducing asthenic fire, relieving the liver, and improving eyesight, and can also prevent foot pain, numbness, edema, and other diseases.

  • 8) 暖脚

  • 8) Warm Feet

  • 俗话说“暖脚凉脑”,老年人一般是上热下寒。

  • As the saying goes, "warm feet cool brain", the elderly are generally hot under cold.

  • 暖脚就是每晚都用热水泡脚,可使全身血脉流通,有利于身心健康。

  • Warm foot uses hot blister foot even every night, can make systemic blood circulation, be helpful for physical and mental health.

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